Tuesday, May 27, 2008


When I had my first session at Docs I tried to dead lift 135 lbs. I couldn't even move the bar. Today I cleared it. Also, did 120 lbs squats.

A quiet Memorial Day weekend. Went to the Modern Radio art show on Saturday night. Grilled out Sunday and Monday night.

Had a finger of the Port Ellen on Sunday night and a cigar on the porch.

Still plugging away at Augie March.

Listening to the legendary unreleased Misfires Ep. Lives up to the hype.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Went to Docs Monday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. Thursday went heavy on the weights and broke a 100 lbs on squats. After I came home I was exhausted. Had planned on going to at least some of the Heliotrope Festival but I could hardly lift my arms. Watched the last half of Alien on cable and was asleep by 10 PM. Missed messages from Faiz and Brian.

Jeff and I are going to Heliotrope tonight.

Making lamb burgers tomorrow.

Country Teasers on the home stereo, Excellent Italian Greyhound in the car.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Had my fourth session at Docs Gym today. Worked w/ the kettle bells and the stability ball for about 35 minutes and then spent 10 minutes on the bike. Feeling pretty good so far, haven't had too much soreness or pain the days after working out.

Working on building strength and generally trying to get some exercise.

Show on Saturday night went pretty well. First time seeing the Sinks and France Has the Bomb, both were really great. The Sleaze were excellent again.

Had fun coaxing strange noises out of the theremin during the pseudo-"Finale of Loneliness". Set felt short, too bad we didn't have time to learn a few more songs, I could have played ten more, but people seemed to enjoy it.

Spent most of the day yesterday w/ the parents. PJ made brunch. For dinner we ate grilled shrimp and cold chicken.

Still haven't hung the new Tom Stack painting yet. He and Chris Kerr were up the first wknd in May to take the show down. Spent a lot of time hanging out w/ both of them.

Reading Adventures of Augie March
Listening to The Intelligence Deuteronomy , I finally picked up the cd yesterday. I had ordered the lp a few months ago but it got stolen off the porch (along w/ some other stuff).

Also found a sealed copy of Destroy All Human Life on vinyl yesterday as well. Score